You Are A Miracle

Because writing is a challenge lately, here’s a tidbit and one of my photos. I like to create these inspirational graphic photos.

Remembering My Divinity

I want to share the story behind these words, but the words aren’t flowing well lately. One of the effects of my Kundalini awakening experience has very literally been brain rewiring, creating all sorts of challenges in my everyday life. I’ll expand on this when I can.

But for now, enjoy my photo of the Atlantic Ocean.

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About mariner2mother

I'm a mother of a creative adult son, a former merchant ship's deck officer, and a wife. To feed my creative side I take photos. I am also Reiki Level 2 attuned and am a student of Energy Healing, having used several healing modalities to work on myself and my family. My most recent adventure has me navigating a very challenging Kundalini Awakening.
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4 Responses to You Are A Miracle

  1. Jami Carder says:

    I took a “staycation” this week and spent most of it sitting on my boat in the middle of Cape Cod Bay… The same place where I spent many days last summer allowing the ocean to heal me💕

  2. Your words will flow – I love your photographic expression of those words 🙂

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