What I Know For Sure

As I sit here on a Sunday, taking in tv shows about spirituality and spiritual ideas (Oprah’s Supersoul Sunday), I know that it’s ok that I don’t go to church. I think that people go to church to fill up their faith tank, to be absolved what they consider sins, and also to connect with friends of the same faith. And those things are right and good.

However, I have come to know for sure, that if I don’t attend a church, or follow the common beliefs of the predominant religions around me, I’m ok. I’m not destined for hell or damnation. I know for sure that I don’t have to be saved. There is no saving. I know for sure that I have chosen the challenges that come into my life, for the purpose of soul growth. I have lived before this lifetime, and it’s likely that I will incarnate again after this life. I know for sure that when I die, I will not be judged by anyone other than me. And there will be no shaming or blaming during that judgment, just observing what was learned and what could be learned still.

pink rose

I know for sure that we are all part of one big whole. And one of the biggest things that separates us from ourselves and from the larger whole, is judgment. I know for sure that God is never disappointed in me because God is Energy. And it is the Energy of the purest and most unconditional love you could possibly imagine. This I know for sure because I have experienced it.

About mariner2mother

I'm a mother of a creative adult son, a former merchant ship's deck officer, and a wife. To feed my creative side I take photos. I am also Reiki Level 2 attuned and am a student of Energy Healing, having used several healing modalities to work on myself and my family. My most recent adventure has me navigating a very challenging Kundalini Awakening.
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11 Responses to What I Know For Sure

  1. Lenore Diane says:

    Try as I may to let go of the belief in God, I find it impossible. I don’t know that I disagree with your sentiment that God is Energy – truly, He is that. I also think He is greater than I.
    I attend church because I enjoy being around others that share a similar faith. I also believe it is my duty as a person of faith to worship to God with others. I do not attend church to have my sins forgiven, as I believe I can ask for forgiveness anywhere – anytime, and it will be done.
    I know nothing for sure, with the exception of the fact that I know I will always have faith. And for that, I am grateful.

    • Lenore, thank you so much for sharing. I love that you have faith. I wish everyone did.

      I should have written more to make it clear that I do absolutely, positively believe in God with all my heart and soul. And I connect to God all the time using my intuition (as we all do). Just for me, it’s less of a personage, Father-figure type of idea, and more of what some people call the universal all-that-is; the life force energy that we emmanate from and return to upon physical death. With that, I believe that we all are bits of this God energy. Some people have been taught that God judges us and they imbue him with our emotional attributes (put the fear of God into someone). For me, having God be more of a life force energy, the fear and judgement is completely a non-issue.

  2. I love this. I have been grappling with guilt over not attending church – I find my Sunday mornings are better spent alone, calm and relaxed, re-grouping and healing from any of the hurts from my week. This just works for me. I also know that I will not be judged, and that I am and will always be surrounded by love. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. 🙂

  3. My sentiments exactly. Written beautifully.

  4. Hit the nail right on the head! This is what I have struggled with over the past 10 years or so, until just about 2 years ago when I accepted that our connection to the Divine is personal and within ourselves…not determined or defined by the rules of some organization. God just doesn’t have time for those kinds of rules 🙂

    • Thanks for stopping by Shannon! I have had issue with a lot of religious teachings since I was a young girl (especially the ones that came about as a way to gain or maintain some sort of control over people). My current belief system works for me in a very big way.

  5. Clearly, you have struck a nerve with your post and in a good way! I’m with you 100% – the God I know and understand isn’t a punitive one. At all. It is not a part of my belief system (never was) and so it’s my truth. Others hold on to their truths for their own reasons, none of which are mine to judge.

    As I’ve said before on my blog, my path and how I choose to live it is solely between me and God. This I know for sure.

    Much love and thank you for leaving such wonderful comments on my blog! You are a gem!

  6. Lisa, so glad to have you visit my blog. Welcome! I don’t subscribe to a punitive God or punitive parenting. That’s how I roll.

  7. Arindam says:

    It’s what I believe too. We are the only ones who are going to judge ourselves. So for that we need to be true and honest with ourselves. And what I can tell after reading this post that, you are a really honest person.

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