
I’m happy to have made it this long without catching Covid – a nephew has had it twice – and glad that if I had to get it, I’m succumbing to one of the newer strains that’s not nearly as deadly as things were two years ago. Plus, I chose to become inoculated and opted for the booster shot as well. Usually, I’m not one for things like the annual flu shot because my exposure to the public isn’t a lot. But despite being all about energy healing, I’m also the daughter of a medical doctor and I’ve had enough education in the sciences to know that vaccines work.

My sweetie got sick about four days before I did, and he’s on the mend too. We’ve both reached the point where it feels like we’re dealing with a summer head cold, and as badly as I’d like to venture out again, I won’t until I test negative.

There’s nothing quite like my Kundalini version of normal, which is far from normal, in addition to feeling sick. When I was feverish and couldn’t breathe through my nose, I felt so miserable I wouldn’t have minded if the world ended right then and there. (I noticed so many people get wrapped up in the end of the world type of thinking). At least my suffering would be over.

And when thoughts like those begin to swirl around, I remind myself that suffering is temporary. But when you’re in the depths of it, it sure doesn’t feel temporary. So I distract myself. Read or watch something funny. Go make a cup of hot tea. Take a nap.

Today I’m feeling hopeful. Feeling better.

I’m out of bed. Dressed again. At my writing table with a candle burning. And recently went outside to cut fresh mint for my afternoon iced tea. It’s such a treat to get a snoot full of mint with each sip of the Lady Grey tea. Morning tea was hot ginger tea with a zesty lemon wedge and some local fireweed honey. Did I mention I love tea?

I never realized honey had so many different flavors until I was at a farmer’s market years ago and tasted several side by side. I loved the fireweed. Truth be told, I love almost every honey I’ve ever tried, with very few exceptions.

Our cough drop supply ran out the other day so I’m using what we have on hand, which is probably better than cough drops anyway. A small dab of honey. It’s too tempting to keep popping cough drops in my mouth even if I’m not coughing much. If my throat were still sore I’d visit our big leaf maple tree and take a few licorice ferns from the mossy branches. If you wash the fern’s roots and gently peel off the outside, they’re great to chew on. They have that anise black licorice taste and soothe a sore throat. Nature’s throat coat.

licorice ferns

It’s good to feel hopeful again. It’s been a minute.

Recent healing sessions have been addressing echoes, shades, and tones of earlier healing work to do with childhood soul separation. Yet the focus is much broader. Instead of merely focusing on a moment or two from my past, healing leapfrogged to battles from other lifetimes. Battles and war, resonating with our current collective consciousness. Apparently, I’ve been a warrior several times over and my body still carried resonance with being killed on the battlefield.

I’m looking forward to a hypnosis session at the end of the week, hoping whatever comes up moves me that much closer to feeling like myself again. My new self. And to cap this off, happy summer solstice!

About mariner2mother

I'm a mother of a creative adult son, a former merchant ship's deck officer, and a wife. To feed my creative side I take photos. I am also Reiki Level 2 attuned and am a student of Energy Healing, having used several healing modalities to work on myself and my family. My most recent adventure has me navigating a very challenging Kundalini Awakening.
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10 Responses to Hopeful

  1. Carol anne says:

    glad you are on the mend! I always say…hope is what keeps us going, it is the fuel the heart lives on!

  2. The body is an amazing healer, as is nature and a little energy in whatever form blends with our intent nicely. Glad your recovering dear lady 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

  3. janonlife says:

    Sounds like you’re doing all the right things. Hope you feel fully recovered soon.

  4. Lisa Orchard says:

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. I hate being sick because it forces me to slow down.

  5. Priti says:

    Well shared I really didn’t know that we can chew fern’s root .

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