A Dozen Years!

Just the other day WordPress let me know I’ve been writing this blog for twelve years. Twelve! A dozen! I could say something like ‘my how time flies’ but in a lot of ways it really hasn’t. And it’s ok.

I’ll begin by saying I never thought about how long I’d write here, but what a blessing it’s been. I’ve connected to people around the world as we’ve shared our passions and our lives. Some have moved away from blogging to other endeavors or other platforms, while others discovered my little corner of the world and have been checking in more recently. Thank you all!

The view up our valley toward the Cascade Mountains.

When I started this blog, I was in the thick of mothering a young boy with a handful of challenges. Invisible disabilities and developmental delays were descriptors I used with my alphabet kiddo fairly often (SPD, ADHD, LD, and more). And while he was more than a handful, he’s also a sensitive, intelligent, and very caring person with passions of his own. Supporting him and helping him get through his education was pretty much a full-time job that tapered off significantly last summer after he graduated from high school.

Since then he’s talked about wanting to work, making it very clear that he’s done with formal education. The classroom was not a happy or comfortable place for him. Although he hasn’t secured gainful employment yet, largely due to his invisible disabilities, I know that he’ll get there one day.

This blog has been a fun place to share my photography, although I haven’t posted as many photos as I’d like in the past few years. Taking photos has been a passion since I was ten, blooming into a very small business selling my photography and homemade soap and balms at local holiday craft fairs for a decade. These days my photos are snapped during my daily travels, whether they’re taken around my home, when I’m out running errands, or when I take the long way home and venture either to the woods and Cascade mountains, to a local river, or to the Salish Sea.

Not quite a year into blogging the Universe conspired to walk me into a spiritual awakening. And boy was that a surprise! I didn’t even know what spirituality or a spiritual awakening was. And I’d never been particularly religious. I never had a yearning or an ache sending me on a spiritual quest. As far as I was concerned, I was quite content with that part of my life.

You never know where the path will take you.

Yet I’ve since learned that before I was born my soul had plans for me I wouldn’t even begin to become aware of until I was in my mid-forties, living my life, minding my own business. Plans that included not one, but two distinct awakening events six years apart.

The first awakening sparked a passion to learn about energy healing. A passion that feels like it was programmed to wake up so I could get a fundamental understanding of energy healing by learning several different healing modalities and discovering common threads between them all. To study and learn not only by reading and watching but by experiencing several modalities, going to workshops and taking classes. Part of the first awakening was to find what worked and what didn’t work for me so I’d be able to navigate my second awakening that cracked open a little over five years ago.

Apparently, my life was predestined to steer me into a spiritual, mystical, metaphysical path of intense healing. If you’d told me this when I was in my early thirties in command of the watch on a seven hundred foot long cargo ship I wouldn’t have believed you. Yes, I used to be a licensed ship’s second officer. I was the ship’s navigation officer and stood watch on the bridge, overseeing the three unlicensed seamen who worked with me. Crazy, right? (Hence my moniker mariner2mother).

Safe Return – Local monument to fishermen lost at sea.

Right about the time our former president took office in early 2017, my consciousness took a quantum leap during a healing session and with that, Kundalini energy flew open and has been rumbling, roaring, humming and buzzing ever since. It’s mission seems to be effecting all sorts of very deep and intense healing – we’re talking healing lifetimes of spiritual disconnection.

The ride of Kundalini energy has been wild, crazy, and amazing. So far a lot of it hasn’t been fun, feeling like a dark night of the soul. But I’m still working my way through. These days my trust and faith in my higher self is without question, and something I’ve been told many times is, “You’re built for this – you’ve got this.”

Trying to read and write with a head full of cotton candy has been challenging for the past few years, but the inner drive to write has never waned. So I write. Apologies for posts that come out a bit disjointed or stilted, but it’s all part of the process.

A year before Kundalini energy opened I’d changed so much that it felt right to have a second place to write with more of a focus on my spiritual/ healing journey, so I started a sister blog to this one called Remembering My Divinity. It’s real and raw and may not be for everyone.

And that brings me to today. Life is good. I have a loving husband and son who’ve stood by me through all my craziness and inner turmoil. And other than healing my way through the process I’m still very much going through, life goes on. There’s still wood that needs to be chopped, a yard that needs tending, water that has to be carried when we lose power (which happens several times a year), meals that need to be prepared, and so on and so forth.

Thank you all for visiting my little corner of the internet!

About mariner2mother

I'm a mother of a creative adult son, a former merchant ship's deck officer, and a wife. To feed my creative side I take photos. I am also Reiki Level 2 attuned and am a student of Energy Healing, having used several healing modalities to work on myself and my family. My most recent adventure has me navigating a very challenging Kundalini Awakening.
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14 Responses to A Dozen Years!

  1. And thank you for bringing us on that journey dear lady. Much wisdom comes from all parts of the world, be it a cargo ship or a mother, love will bloom where it will. Thank you for sharing it 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

  2. Congrats! Life is about the journey and the adventures and chapters made along the way. Living is growing and experiencing and that comes with a mixed bag of tricks and treats. Great to hear your son is doing well and finding his path/journey. Love hearing about your healing too. I am a big believer in self care and for some reason being in my 40’s has taken a bit more of a healing/reflecting approach too. Wishing you the best – Happy Day – Enjoy 🙂

  3. Karin says:

    Congratulations! Not just congrats for 12 years of blogging, but also for your amazing ability to overcome hurdle after hurdle on your path. And thank you for sharing your heroic journey with us!

  4. emjayandthem says:

    Happy blog-iversary – I enjoy your writing and your photos! Glad you are still going 🙂 MJ

  5. Lisa Orchard says:

    Happy Anniversary! I love your insights and your photos. Thank you for sharing them with all of us!

  6. Geesh, you captured my attention! Your post speaks volumes. You photos touch my heart. I’m from Washington and love the Cascade Mtns. But fifteen years ago, I never imagined I’d be living in New York now. Due to what I call, my interesting spiritual journey. Thank you.

    • Thanks for visiting my little corner of the world. Funny that you, being from WA, ended up in New York. My beginnings were in New England and after a career on the water here and there, I ended up in WA.

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